Posts Tagged ‘ suppli ’

Savor Arancini and Suppli at Giolitti Deli

Friday, January 22nd, 2021
arancini and suppli

Try arancini, Italian fried rice balls, at Giolitti Deli!

An Italian meal isn’t complete without multiple dishes on the table. There are countless Italian side dishes you can indulge in, and Giolitti Deli offers our guests a few of the very best, including Arancini and Suppli. (more…)

Arancini and Suppli- Italian Rice Balls

Wednesday, February 20th, 2019


Learn about arancini and suppli, the famous Italian rice balls!

Learn about arancini and suppli, the famous Italian rice balls!

Arancini and Suppli are very popular fried rice balls that can be found in bars, restaurants, and market stalls around Italy. They are both are breaded, deep fried, and served with a side of marinara, but they also have a few major differences. Continue reading to learn more about the delicious Italian rice balls, then come into Giolitti Deli to purchase them for $3.95/each!
