Help us end white silence by starting difficult conversations with yourself and your community.
After the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, American citizens are feeling the need once again to have their voices heard and to remind those who would think otherwise that Black Lives Matter and are at a higher risk for police violence. We have seen protests in every state, and in several foreign countries, with citizens of the U.S. and the world demonstrating their right to assemble and demand change from their elected governments. The staff at Giolitti Deli are members of the Annapolis, Maryland, and American communities, and we are actively seeking ways to support protestors and Black members of our community who have carried the burden of racism, police brutality and unjust treatment for too long. We encourage others to do what they can to move this difficult but necessary conversation forward in their local community and personal lives. Change happens on a large and small scale, and we can all do our part to make the world we live in better every day.
Supporting Local Organizations
We are seeking ways to contribute to our Annapolis and Anne Arundel County communities, and you can do the same no matter where you are. If you have any money to give, you can support these groups:
- Bail funds or legal action teams that help remove protesters from jail before trial and defend their case in court. If you are in the Baltimore area, you can support the Baltimore Action Legal Team.
- Nationwide organizations such as the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, and the NAACP all work throughout the country to defend civil liberties.
- You can always support Black-owned businesses, who are already struggling during the pandemic. Baltimore Magazine has an extensive list of businesses you can support here.
- You can donate to or volunteer with a variety of non-profit organizations. A diverse list of Anne Arundel County non-profits can be found here.
Helping to #EndWhiteSilence
The hashtag #EndWhiteSilence is uniting White people who wish to do more to support Black members of the community and other people of color who are routinely prejudiced against. White individuals, regardless of wealth or social standing, are afforded more privileges by society. Often, White people fail to notice how they benefit from their race until they realize through tragic events how life is different for many people of color, particularly in America.
If you are White and you see discrimination or racism in front of you, your voice carries significant power and influence. When White people stand beside their Black neighbors and say “Black Lives Matter,” we help to make clear to the world and government that this isn’t a “niche” issue. At the same time, if you are White and you see something wrong and fail to say anything, you are contributing to the problem.
Starting a Conversation About White Privilege
If you are White and want to learn more about how systemic racism works, what Black people have dealt with in American history and the history of policing, and how White privilege works, you must work to educate yourself. Relying on Black friends and neighbors to educate you places an unnecessary burden on them. Instead, you can seek out books and films by Black writers and creators, you can be receptive to what Black friends tell you about their experience, and you can start a discussion with White friends about the privileges you face. A few conversation starters could include:
- Have I ever had an interaction with police, and if so, how did it unfold? How did the police officer speak to me, and did I ever feel scared?
- Have I ever gone shopping and felt unwelcome? Did I feel people suspected me of something for no reason?
- When I was a kid, did my parents ever have to talk to me about racism, or how to behave with a police officer?
- Have you ever been the only person of your race in a room, and how did that make you feel?
Discussing these talking points and more with other White friends or family members may help you understand the privileges that come with being a White person, and how you can use that privilege for good.
Authentic Italian Cuisine From Giolitti Deli
Giolitti Deli is a full-service Delicatessen in Annapolis, MD, specializing in authentic Italian cuisine. Founded in 1992, we use the freshest ingredients to make time-honed recipes from scratch, with no MSG or preservatives. We believe in real food and offer many healthy options, including vegetarian and vegan menu items. At Giolitti Deli, we make our own sauces, mozzarella, grilled and roasted vegetables, bread, pizza dough, and desserts, and our sandwiches, salads, pasta, pizza, and entrees are made to order. Owner Mary Giolitti has combined her passion for great food and fine wine to offer Annapolis a true taste of Italy!
Team members who also make the business possible include Manager Kathy Hunter, Manager and Catering Director Cheryl Molesky, Head Baker Porfirio Diaz, Chef Alfredo Escobar, and Deli Manager Noe Merino. To contact us, please visit our contact page or give us a call at 410.266.8600. Also, be sure to keep up with us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and our blog!
Tags: annapolis, anne arundel county, baltimore, community action, community outreach, end white silence, Giolitti Deli